Exclusive Club of Theo Paphitis #SBS Winners
The 11th August 2014 was a special day for Pendulum of Mayfair. We managed to receive the prized retweet from Dragon’s Den entrepreneur, Theo Paphitis. Pendulum now joins the ranks of the exclusive club of Small Business Sunday (#SBS) winners. For Theo to pick our business amongst the thousands that tweet to him every Sunday. We are deeply honoured.
Theo Paphitis Loves Antique Clocks
A very successful businessman. The owner of various major retailers Ryman the Stationers. Robert Dyas, Red Letter Days and Boux Avenue. He also has many other business interests and is still working on many tv programs. Even after his sad retirement from Dragons Den. There are many millions of fans of that program. His input to this series was amazing.
Theo Paphitis is a champion of Small Business
Theo is also a champion of small business’s. His initiative to help small business promote themselves. This was the formation on twitter of #SBS, standing for Small Business Sunday. Each Sunday between 5-7:30pm, business owners tweet Theo. They explain in no more than 140 characters why they would make worthy winners. The best 6 businesses are chosen from the hundreds of entries to retweet to his over 440,000 followers. These business’s can then join the growing #SBS family. Winning businesses then complete an entry on Theo’s SBS website, promoting their services through the directory of winners. Our new listing can be found here: Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday Winners
What does it mean?
“I’m feeling so proud of what we’ve achieved. Although winning the Theo Paphitis #SBS award has come as a complete shock.” says Daniel Clements. “We’ve been overwhelmed by the messages of support received on Twitter and the huge number of new followers we’ve attracted already. It’s an amazing honour to join such a wonderful group of businesses and a lovely new community of friends.”
I decided to post our tweet alongside our lovely antique clocks in our London shop, the winning tweet was short and sweet – @TheoPaphitis – For only the most genuine fully restored antique clocks – pendulumofmayfair.co.uk #SBS

Some of the finest antique clocks available
Genuine and fully restored antique clocks are the cornerstone of our business ever since we started 20 years ago Pendulum of Mayfair and for over 40 years with Coppelia Antiques. Furthermore we have grown year on year from a small base to now stocking some of the finest antique clocks. Also fine pieces of furniture. We employ all our own restoration staff for both the horology and cabinet departments. All repairs are carried out sympathetically and to the highest standards. Preservation of the originality of the piece is foremost in our minds.
Why us?
My father Roy Clements was one of the first I believe of all the clocks editors of the famous Millers Antiques Price Guide up to 1984. His considerable knowledge has rubbed off on me. Ever since I was a small boy I used to travel with my father. This was on business trips and to major auctions in the pursuit of the finest antiques. Learning everything about what to look for. How these pieces that had not been touched in years, could be transformed into showroom condition. My father was one who pointed out to me to cover every aspect within the business. I have worked in both the furniture restoration and clock movement repair departments. Every day is different for me. No clock movement is exactly the same, we are always learning.
Love for Antiques
The antique business has taken over my life full time since leaving university over 20 years ago. To tell you the truth even during those three years I was more interested in what was happening back in the business. My love of antique clocks has never diminished. I am just so happy that someone of the stature of Theo, whom I very much admire, gave time to this SBS venture. Also to chose us as one of his 6 businesses he clearly thought was special enough to re-tweet.
Many VIP Customers
Our shop has now become one of the foremost antique clocks businesses in the world. We have an impressive array of accolades. As a hugely well-respected dealer, Pendulum has featured in leading newspapers. Such as The Sunday Times and appeared many times on national television in the UK. They were highly commended in the category of ‘ Best Interiors Boutique’ at The Mayfair Awards 2012. In association with The Mayfair Magazine, Small Luxury Hotels of the World and Perrier-Jouet. Pendulum also received congratulations from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry for Business and was listed in the prestigious Who’s Who of Business Elite for 2002.
Clocks Exported to For Corners of the World
We have sold our antique clocks all around the world,meeting many vip’s in the process. Repairs are carried out and we look after the antique clocks for many famous London institutions. The last few years we have restored back to their former glory the antique clocks in the Russian Embassy in London. The Ambassador, His Excellency Alexander Yakovenko, and his staff were absolutely amazing with us. It was a special honour being entrusted with this work.
For further information please call 0207 629 6606 or email Daniel at pendulumclocks@aol.com.
Out now increasing Twitter following can be found here, please follow for upcoming antique clocks news: Pendulum Clocks Twitter